


The Action Research of Applying Multiple Intelligence Theory to Field-Inquiry Activities of Junior High School Students




李明昆(Ming-Kun Li);洪振方(Jeng-Fung Hung)


多元智能理論 ; 中學戶外探究活動 ; 行動研究 ; multiple intelligences theory ; field-inquiry activity ; action research




28卷1期(2011 / 06 / 01)


99 - 142






A large amount of relevant research and literature indicates that incorporating multiple intelligence theory in teaching facilitates the motivation and learning achievements of students. Outdoor field-inquiry activities combined with scientific inquiry provides learners with the opportunity to study in real-life situations and also enlivens scientific learning. The objectives of this study are to discover if learners promote multiple intelligence and creative tendency, and to study the reactions of teachers and students after applying multiple intelligence theory in field-inquiry activities.Following the two field-inquiry activities, students displayed continuous growth in multiple intelligence talent and creativity inclination. According to the results of the exam and the analysis of learners' composition, the activities arranged for learners in the research were simple, and promoted active learning. As such, the application of multiple intelligences theory to field-inquiry activities is recommended. The study offers recommendations for teachers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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