


Structural Verification of the Epistemological Beliefs of Vocational Students in Taiwan




邱紹一(Shao-I Chiu);黃德祥(Der-Hsiang Huang);洪福源(Fu-Yuan Hong);林重岑(Chung-Tsen Lin)


知識論信念 ; 建構效度 ; 因素分析 ; epistemological beliefs ; construct validity ; factor analysis




28卷2期(2011 / 12 / 01)


117 - 144




個人對知識的本質與求知歷程所懷抱的信念,稱為知識論信念(epistemological belief),對認知學習有很大的影響,進而影響到教學的理論。國外知識論信念的研究成果相當豐富,然而在國內則缺乏對知識論信念理論建構及測量的研究。本研究參酌Schommer所發展的知識論信念問卷自編題目,以296名臺灣高職學生為對象,探討知識論信念的潛在建構,發現成熟的知識論信念與不成熟的知識論信念二者可能不是同一向度的兩極,而是兩個不同的向度。本研究所發展的18題的知識論信念問卷,包括「知識的建構性」、「知識的脈絡性」、「漸增能力」、「漸增學習」、「追根究底」五個因素,五個因素彼此相關(.38~.84),且共同負荷在二階因素「成熟的知識論信念」之上。此外,本研究亦支持Hofer與Pintrich的論點,五個因素可以分別負荷在「知識學習的本質」與「知識學習的歷程」兩個二階因素之上。本研究的屬性為探索性與描述性的,因此未來仍有待相同母群不同樣本的資料進行複核效化(cross validation)研究,以進一步驗證本研究的成果。


Beliefs on the nature of knowledge and the knowledge-seeking process, known as epistemological beliefs, have a substantial impact on cognitive learning, thereby affecting teaching theory. Although foreign studies on epistemological beliefs are extensive, epistemological belief theory and belief measurements have not been examined. Therefore, this study revises the epistemological belief scale developed by Schommer. A sample of 296 vocational students in Taiwan was obtained to investigate the structure of epistemological beliefs and determine whether mature and immature epistemological theory have differing dimensions. The 18 items of the epistemological belief scale used in this study include the 5 factors knowledge construction, knowledge context, cumulative capacity, cumulative learning, and argument. The results of this study support Hofer and Pintrich's argument that a positive relationship exists between these 5 factors. The 5 factors were loaded on the second-order factors of nature of knowledge learning and the process of knowledge learning. This study adopts an exploratory and descriptive design; thus, future studies should cross-validate the various samples.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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