


The Effect of Service Quality Improvement on Satisfaction and Brand Equity: The Case of a Taiwanese University of Technology




黃義良(Yi-Lian Huang);王怡又(I-Yu Wang)


大學 ; 品牌權益 ; 服務品質 ; 滿意度 ; brand equity ; satisfaction ; service quality ; university




29卷1期(2012 / 06 / 01)


129 - 166






Improving service quality and building brands in universities and colleges are issues that higher education institutes must face. This study builds a model consisting of university promotion of service quality, student satisfaction, and university brand equity to examine the effect of university service quality improvement measures on student satisfaction and university brand equity. We selected a university of technology that applied to be a ”Service Quality Improvement Project” for the Southern Taiwan Teaching Learning Resource Center. Student perceptions of university service quality, satisfaction, and university brand equity were gathered from 447 and 485 students at 7-month intervals. Promotion of service quality was divided into 5 phases, with student satisfaction as a mediator variable, and brand image and loyalty as brand equity variables. The results show that the variables fluctuate between having an average to an above average effect. Some variables and phases increase as the project progresses. A correlation exists between each variable. Promotion of service quality has a direct or indirect influence on university brand equity through the satisfaction-mediating variable. The cause-and-effect model is stable over time. However, how some phases and effects change is unclear.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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