


Investigating the Relationship between School Organizational Learning Factors and Organizational Innovation




顏弘欽(Hung-Chin Yen)


組織學習 ; 組織創新 ; 兩階段結構方程模式 ; organizational learning ; organizational innovation ; two-stage SEM




29卷1期(2012 / 06 / 01)


99 - 127






In response to educational reform requirements, organizational innovation has become essential for maintaining school competitiveness. Organizational learning is an important strategy for enhancing organizational innovation in schools. Many empirical studies have shown that organizational learning affects organizational innovation positively. However, most research suggests that organizational learning enhances organizational innovation, but does not investigate the relationship between organizational learning factors and organizational innovation. Therefore, this study explores the effect of school organizational learning factors on organizational innovation. A survey was administered to public elementary school teachers in Hsinchu County and City, yielding 502 valid responses. Two-stage SEM tested the relationship. The results show that (a) ”systematic thinking” is a critical prior factor for promoting school organizational learning; (b) ”group learning” directly enhances school organizational innovation; and (c) ”information collection” and ”communication” are important for reinforcing school organizational innovation. According to the results, we propose suggestions for school practice and future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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