


Brand Assessment Indicators for the Department of Child Care and Education in Technological Universities and Colleges




黃義良(Yi-Lian Huang)


品牌評估指標 ; 幼兒保育系 ; 系品牌 ; 技職院校 ; Brand assessment indicators ; department of child care and education ; department brand ; technological universities and colleges




30卷1期(2013 / 06 / 30)


101 - 137






Based on the related studies of factors affecting student choice of a university, university and department assessment standards, and brand management in a university, we used Delphi, the analytic hierarchy process, and a questionnaire survey to construct brand evaluation indicators for the departments of child care and education of technological universities and colleges. We used Delphi 3 times, and overall averages ranged from ”very important” to ”important.” The indicators comprised 4 dimensions: school, department, teacher, and student for a total of 62 items. For the weighted system of assessment indicators, the dimension of ”school” was the highest, followed by ”department,” and the other 2 dimensions, ”student” and ”teacher,” were slightly lower. We selected 828 faculty and students of the Department of Child Care and Education from 8 schools around the island by using stratified random sampling, and retrieved 692 effective questionnaires to conduct an empirical study. The empirical data and indicators demonstrated a good fit. The indicators preserve the features of the departments of child care and education, and have good reliability and validity. Our study can serve as a reference for department heads or administrators to develop a department brand.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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