
以J. Dewey「教育即生長」探討臺灣中小學教師專業發展的問題


Exploring the Professional Development Problems of Elementary and High School Teachers in Taiwan Regarding J. Dewey's "Education as Growth"




葉彥宏(Yan-Hong Ye)


杜威 ; 中小學教師 ; 教育即生長 ; 教師專業發展 ; Dewey ; elementary and high school teachers ; education as growth ; teacher professional development




30卷1期(2013 / 06 / 30)


71 - 100






The primary problems currently facing the professional development of elementary and high schools teachers related to position, content, policies, and institution lie in inexplicit goals, disparity in the means and ends of professional development, and the inability of professional development to both satisfy teacher needs and arouse teachers' social responsibility. Based on J. Dewey's ”education as growth,” we address the current problems of professional development of teachers in Taiwan. The concept of ”education as growth” provides 4 instructions for the professional development of teachers: (a) Ensuring that professional development practices connects individual needs and social responsibility; (b) ensuring that the standards of professional development are integrated with life goals of teachers; (c) ensuring that professional development practices are focused on stimulating teachers' active participation; (d) ensuring that professional development contributes to the progress of society and education. We provide 5 implications for the professional development of teachers: (a) Professional development involves continuous inquiry into the meaning of ”profession” in terms of ”development.” (b) The power of professional development comes from actively adjusting a teacher's character to a teacher's environment. (c) Professional development is the outcome of interaction between a person and the environment. (d) Professional development practices should effectively integrate the role of the teacher and teacher-student relationships. (e) Professional development practices should focus on coordinating the means and ends.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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