Aesthetics promote conscious perception, which, in turn, leads to the competencies of integration, autonomy, and action. Citizen participation is action-oriented, and service-learning is a method by which it can be improved. Aesthetic consciousness is a judgment that helps integrate emotions, thoughts, and praxes to facilitate citizen participation. This process is an amalgamation of perception and reason. We aimed to probe the concept of "aesthetic relationships." The behaviors in curricula comprise 3 modes: aesthetical conscious subject, aesthetic object, and aesthetic subject. These 3 modes interact with intentionality, expression, and sympathy to encourage students' perception. We cultivated students' appreciation, reflection, critics, and imagination by using service-learning to promote the interaction of aesthetic behaviors. We applied the "Hospitality Aesthetics" course, based on this concept, according to the technology of the Hospitality-major students. Service learning was implemented in this curriculum. We attempted to stimulate the students' aesthetic consciousness in 3 steps: awakening learners' environment concern , inducing imagination, and achieving relief consciousness. The goals of citizen core competencies in this curriculum were achieved by learning evaluation. Based on aesthetic experience and the service-learning fields applied in this curriculum, changes in citizen attitudes were observed.
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