


Integration of a Life Education Curriculum Into Professional Ethics in Early Childhood Education at a Technological and Vocational College




張純子(Chun-Tzu Chang)


生命關懷 ; 教保專業倫理 ; 行動研究 ; lifelong care ; professional ethics in education and care ; action research




33卷1期(2016 / 06 / 30)


141 - 175






The purpose of this study was to integrate a life education curriculum into professional ethics in education and care at a technical and vocational college. The aim is to offer preschool educators an appropriate preparatory and instructive framework for decision-making when they encounter ethical dilemmas in the workplace. This study adopted an action research approach. The research sample was a class of students instructed by the author. Data were collected from interviews, observations, assignments, the author’s journals, questionnaires administered before and after the course, and related literature. The main findings are summarized as follows: (a) The integrated course using teaching objectives modified to involve life education was consistent with the goal of providing education on professional ethics in education and care. Furthermore, the course conformed to the goal of education on lifelong care. (b) Integrating ethical dilemmas that preschool educators may encounter into the course enabled the students to improve their ethical judgment and reflection on life values. (c) The integrated teaching materials and diverse teaching methods increased class Interactions, and group discussions facilitated construction of ethical knowledge among the students. (d) Internalizing life values improved the students’ ethical willingness and actions. (e) By developing caring relationships, the teacher also improved professional reflections and life growth. The results of this study offer a direction for integrating life education into professional ethics in education and care and provide a reference for future researchers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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