This study researches the causality among the unemployment rate of higher education graduates, economic growth rate, and the increased ratio of graduate students in Taiwan. A time series analysis was conducted on the data from the Ministry of Education Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics. The results are as follows. About 98.32% self-explanatory effect of the unemployment rate of higher education graduates is found. The forecast error of economic growth rate comes from the growth rate of graduates and graduate unemployment rate, which are 19.49% and 45.65%, respectively. There is causality between economic growth rate and increased ratio of graduate students. In the shortterm, they have a negative impulse response on economic growth rate, but the effect of positive for long-term. About 78.13% self-explanatory effect of increased ratio of graduate students can be found at, and the rest is explained by economic growth rate. Whether it is a short-term or long-term trend, economic growth rate has negative influence on increased ratio of graduate students. Research method and policy to reduce universities can be suggested according to previous data analysis of this study.
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