


The Plurality and Energies of the T'ang System of Public Education




任育才(Yu-Tsai Jen)


唐代 ; 官學 ; 國子監 ; 國子大成 ; 教育思想 ; 課程 ; T'ang Dynasty ; public education ; the Imperial Academy ; Kuo-Tzee-da-Ch'eng graduate students ; the educational thoughts ; Curricula




17期(2006 / 06 / 01)


1 - 26




唐代的國子監建置於太宗貞觀元年(627年),下轄六學,為官學教育的主體,其他機關亦可就所需或性質相近而設置學校,遂呈現多元性的發展。本論文分為七節,以討論和分析下列問題: 1.緒言:說明官學的性質和論析旨趣。 2.施教機關的多元性:說明六學二館以及醫藥學、獸醫學、天文學、卜筮學、音樂學、小給使學等官學多元性的設置。 3.施教層次的差別性:說明官學招收學生的階級性差異。 4.大學設置的完整性:說明國子監既有本科生部,後又增設研究生部,實為一完整的中央大學。 5.教育思想的突破性:說明釋奠禮的三教講論以及崇玄學的增設,突破了儒家獨尊的思想囿限。 6.施教的靈活性:說明經學教育的課程規劃多樣性,而學生可自由選課,且教師講課亦重比較分析,非僵固不化者。 7.結論


In 627 A. D. the Imperial Academy (Kuo-tzee-Chien) of the T'ang Dynasty was established in the capital. This was the education institution at the highest level. Under it were six departments. Besides these departments, other government institutions also had their own public schools, therefore, education developed flourishingly. This paper is divided into seven sections to discuss the following items detaildly: 1. Introduction. 2. The plurality of the Tang System of Public Education. 3. The system of admission of students in these schools is in accordance with the gradation of their forefathers' political ranks. 4. The Imperial Academy was, in fact, a complete National Central University that included both graduate and undergraduate institutes. 5. The educational thoughts broke through the old style of Confucianism. 6. Its design of academic courses was versatile, such as (a) the major courses. (b) the Common Courses. (c) the basic Courses and (d) practices. The student might elect some subjects of study, and the lecturer explained passages in the textbook alertly.

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