


The Concept of Weiyi in Pre-Qin




王仁祥(Jen-Hsiang Wang)


威儀 ; 敬德 ; 禮容 ; 觀人 ; weiyi ; ritual performance ; manwatching




17期(2006 / 06 / 01)


261 - 292






The term weiyi威儀 appears frequently in the pre-Qin texts,and is often interpreted as external deportment. But the meaning of weiyi changes with the times according to contemporary social structure and attitudes. Weiyi originally referred to external expression of ruler' inner virtue, which was the foundation of their authority. Losing this virtue meant losing legitimacy of rulership. For example, ”King Zhou紂 lost weiyi” implies that his inner virtue died out, and thus his regime was displaced by the Zhou周 people. Inner virtue primarily had been attributed to the whole clan. Since mid Western Zhou, however, the concept of inner virtue was personalized, weiyi was associated with individuals accordingly, and the grace of personal character was gradually appreciated. Consequently, a linkage between virtue, weiyi, and accomplishments was established. Human beings received virtue from heaven to polish and refine themselves. It was revealed in the self in the form of dignified deportment and displayed throughout the world in the format of mighty accomplishments. With reference to this linkage, weiyi could be perceived as the graceful deportment of individuals that manifested intertwined activities between heaven and human. Since the communication protocol between heaven and human was the quintessence of the ancient rites, weiyi was connotative of rites. One who acted in conformity with rites was regarded as possessing weiyi. Following the same reasoning, only when practiced rites appropriately could one achieve accomplishments. After the Spring and Autumn period, the consciousness of personality was heightened, replacing virtue from the mandate of heaven with self-conscious mind. Subsequently, weiyi turned to mean external expression of individual's internal intent, and ”observing one's appearance can know one's mind/intent.” Thus a linkage between mind, weiyi, and fate was established. The wise ministers in the Spring and Autumn period usually observed others' good or bad luck based on their weiyi. After mind became the focus of observation, the subjectivity of mind often went beyond the traditional definition of weiyi. Moreover, with the collapse of traditional rites and music, weiyi was gradually ignored due to its direct association with the rites. However, the concept of weiyi established a firm ground for combining inner and outer, and later became the foundation of various ways to observe personal character.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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