


Discussing on the Politics during Kai Yuan Period through which Registering and Pacifying Runaway Households




周聖智(Sheng-Chih Chou)


州縣建置 ; 唐代戶口 ; 宰相政治 ; 史學方法 ; 開元 ; 逃戶 ; 宇文融 ; the establishment of county ; households of T'ang dynasty ; On The politics of prime ministers ; Historical method ; Kai Yuan ; runaway households ; Yu-wen Jung




17期(2006 / 06 / 01)


349 - 394




開元檢括戶口這個議題、以及藉由這個議題切入,來認識玄宗時政治和財經的研究,幾十年來,中日兩國的學者討論很多。個人思維考察之後以為,幾十年來學界相關的研究討論,在認識唐代在中國史發展中的意義這個長時期大方向上,前輩學人的確做出了積極的貢獻;但是對於開元這幾年,檢括戶口這件事整個過程、進程的史事認知上,以及由此切入考察開元政治的某些相關事理,還有若干不夠清楚、值得開發與需要彰顯的地方,所以個人擬出相關議題,續作討論,提供給學界參考。 本文首先討論判官人選到底有哪些人?由此導引切入,提示若干思考議題,然後擴大討論。本文呈現幾個重點:1.開元時期有許多人工村落、造鄉計劃,由此來與此期人口數呈報與天寶元年全國「鄉」數的呈現合起來思考,可以看出開元時期是行政能力練達、中央權力落實地方的時代;2.開元時期有了接近後日人工經濟地理學或國土綜合規劃的思維;3.此時鄉級地位提升也為《元和郡縣志》的編撰提供了良好基礎;4.宇文融的檢括事業傳承姚、宋改革,而且得道多助,往後也有穩健的持續性。其個人亦與吏部關係密切。 本文還探討了考察史書書寫的若干思維。


The issue of registering and pacifying runaway households during Kai Yuan period and the understanding of the politics and finance in the reign of Hsuan-tsung through which researching the issue, there are any number of discussing among the scholars between China and Japen in the last decades. The works about which researching these issue of the academic circle of History was to attain the informed contribution on the perception that the historical meaning of the T'ang dynasty among the development of Chinese history in which the long term; But there are some obscure outlook or outlook that need to illuminate as for the entire process of registering and pacifying households and some concerned principle of the politics during Kai Yuan period. I therefore make concerned discussion in order to provide new thought to the academic circle. In the inception of this essay, I first dwell on the two questions as to how many people about the numbers of the Censors of which registering households and who these men was, and from this suggest some thinking so as to enlarge our discussing. This essay present some important thesis: 1. There are a lot of ”artificial village” and ”the plan of making country” during Kai Yuan period. Associating it with the thinking that the presentation both of the population and the numbers of the districts of ”country” , we can be aware that the Kai Yuan period was an Age which the executive capability of the government was sophistication. 2. There is the thinking about which ”artificial economic geography” or ”synthetic project of the national land as a whole” in the Kai Yuan period. 3. The promotion about the positional rank of ”the districts of country” provide good foundation for the compiler of Yuan-ho Chun-hsien Chih. (元和郡縣志) 4. The censoring career which lead to register runaway households by Yu-wen Jung descend along with the reform of Yao-Ch'ung and Sung Ching. They get in favor of the group which associate around Sung Ching, and those polices have firm continuity in the latter years. It also discuss some thinking about which the writing of historical monograph and Historical method in my essay.

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