
On the Relationship between Law and Religion in Early China: Some Issues




Geoffrey MacCormack




18期(2007 / 06 / 01)


1 - 20



主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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  56. Lewis.Writing and Authority.
  57. Lewis.Sanctioned Violence.
  58. Lewis.Writing and Authority.
  59. Lewis.Writing and Authority.
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  64. Maspero.Le Serment…..
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  68. R W Bagley(2004).The First Writing. Script Invention as Writing and Process.Cambridge U.P..
  69. S Couvreur(1951).La Chronique de la principauté de Lou.Paris:Cathasia.
  70. S Couvreur(1950).Mémoires sur les bienséances et les ceremonies.Paris:Cathasia.
  71. S R Weld,E L Shaughnessy(1997).The Covenant Texts from Houma and Wenxian.Berkeley:society for the Study of Early China and the Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California.
  72. S Weld(1990).Covenant in Jin`s Walled Cities: The Discoveries at Houma and Wenxian.Harvard University doctoral dissertation.
  73. S Weld,C A Cook,J S Major(1999).Defining Chu: Image and Reality in Ancient China.Honolulu:Hawai`I U.P..
  74. San Chih pan.Rare Ancient Codes…...
  75. See also G MacCormack(1995).Revue internationale des droits de l`antiquité.
  76. See also his(1965).Études asiatiques.
  77. See also Lewis.Writing and Authority.
  78. See D N Keightley(1991).The Origins of Writing, edited by W M Senner.Lincoln and London:Nebraska U.P..
  79. See in particular R Djamouri(1999).Divination et rationalité en Chine ancienne (Extrême-Orient Extrême Occident.
  80. Skose7.The Legal System…….
  81. Skosey.The Legal System…..
  82. Skosey.The Legal System…...
  83. Skosey.The Legal System…...
  84. U Lau(1999).Quellenstudien sur Landvergabe und Bodenübertragung in der westlichen Zhou-Dynastie (1045?-771 v. Chr.).Sankt Augustin:Institut Monumenta Serica.
  85. V Hansen(1995).Cahiers d`Extrême Asie.
  86. Vandermeersch.Wangdao…...
  87. Von Falkenhausen`s views have been followed by Skosey.The Legal System…….
  88. W A C H Dobson,Chow Tse-ling(1968).Wen-lin. Studies in the Chinese Humanities.Madison, Milaukee and London:Wisconsin U.P..
  89. W A Rickett(2001).Guanzi I.Boston-Worcester:Cheng-Tsui, revised edition.
  90. W G Boltz(1994).The Origin and Development of the Chinese Writing System.New Haven, Connecticut:American Oriental Society.
  91. Weld.The Covenant texts from Houma and Wenxian.
  92. Ying i.Rare Ancient Codes…...