


On Lo Hsienglin and Hakka Research




黃秀政(Hsiu-Cheng Huang);李昭容(Chao-Jung Li);郭佳玲(Chia-Lin Kuo)


客家研究 ; 客家意識 ; 族譜 ; 漢族 ; Hakka studies ; Hakka identity clan register ; Han race




18期(2007 / 06 / 01)


291 - 314




羅香林是一位學問淵博,具有多方面成就的學者。他在民族史、唐史、族譜學、香港史,特別是客家研究等方面,貢獻卓著,影響深遠,可謂史學界的一代宗師。 根據本文的研究,羅香林的客家研究除了透過討論客家民系與漢民族之間的關係,探討客家人的血統問題外,亦運用族譜來考證「客家民系」實屬漢民族的一支,帶動族譜學的相關研究;並導引出方志研究、語言學等相關課題。尤其是羅氏在其《客家研究導論》與《客家源流考》兩部著作中提出許多新的名詞與觀點,涉及範圍之廣,不僅開啟國內外客家研究的風氣,甚至引發「客家學」論戰,使客家研究成為一門顯學。此外,羅香林對台灣的客家研究,在建立客家意識,重視客語研究,以及建構「台灣客家學」等方面,亦具有重要的影響。 惟羅香林對客家的研究,諸如過於重視客家情感、過份強調客家民系的特殊性,以及過於仰賴族譜的記載等研究態度與方法,則不為吾人完全認同。其客家研究的論點,偶有「見樹不見林」的現象,他對客家的源流及其與漢民族的關係、客家的遷徙與發展,以及客家民系的貢獻等論點,仍有待商榷。


Lo Hsienglin is one of the most renowned researchers in Hakka language and culture. He is also well known in various fields of history studies including the history of race, the history of Tang Dynasty, the research of clan register, the history of Hong Kong. Lo was one of the most famous historians of his times. This paper examines the research methodologies applied by Lo on his Hakka studies. Lo analyzed Hakka's bloody relatives through the relationship between the Hakka and the Han race. He also applied the clan register in his studies to show that the Hakka is originated from the Han. Lo's studies have promoted the study of Hakka from other disciplines such as topographical records and linguistics. In his two books, ”The Introduction to Hakka Studies”. and ”The Textual Research of the Source and History of Hakka”, Lo proposed several new perspectives regarding to the studies of Hakka which are so influential that studying Hakka has become popular among other subjects. Lo Hsienglin is an important figure on Hakka language and cluture studies. Lo's Hakka studies have great contributions to academia in generating the Hakka identity, emphasizing the importance of Hakka language, and building the ”Taiwanese Hakka Studies”. Despite the importance of Lo's studies on Hakka related topics, his studies have been criticized for overemphasizing the uniqueness of Hakka and replying too heavily on the data from clan registers. Lo's studies, therefore, are been narrowed to certain angles of the whole stories which make his viewpoints on the literature subject to further investigations.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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