


Analyzing Political Positions of Chinese Female Immigrants in America




盧文婷(Wen-Ting Lu)


美國華人 ; 華人婦女 ; 移民婦女 ; 婦女參政 ; American Chinese ; Chinese female ; Immigration female ; female politics




20期(2008 / 08 / 01)


151 - 187




19世紀中國婦女移民美國的動機,除了實現家庭團聚願望外,發財致富的夢想亦是吸引中國婦女移民美國的主要原因之一,使得早期部分中國移民婦女淪為奴僕或娼妓。直至20世紀,美國一系列排華法案的廢除和戰後相關法律的制訂,使得華人移民婦女人數激增,再加上二次戰後美國工業急速發展,亦使其就業範圍擴大、機會增多,美國華人移民婦女的職業,從過去娼妓或幫傭逐漸轉變為具技術性的職業婦女,社會地位提升並獲得改善,積極參與美國各項政治競選活動,進而躋身美國主流社會。 因此,本文透過研究理論與方法分析美國華人移民婦女參政歷程的意義與價值,另以陳香梅、陳李琬若、張之香、趙小蘭等四位成功案例作分析,體現美國華人移民婦女的參政動機及其轉變過程,並且瞭解他們在美國與華人間政治地位所代表的意義及其影響。


In the 19(superscript th) century, many Chinese females have migrated to U.S.A. for pursuing a richer life and their family's reunions. In other words, the main motivation for these female immigrants is desired to get rich in America. Therefore, they forced to serve as servants or prostitutes in the early periods. Until the 20(superscript th) century, a series of relevant laws were specified and Chinese Exclusion Act was abandoned, the number of Chinese female immigrants increased rapidly. Moreover, the high growth of industry in U.S.A. made more employing requirements at that time. People have more opportunities to successfully gain their jobs. Obviously, Chinese female immigrants give up being a servant or a prostitute, and they change their mind to be a career female. These immigrants take advantage of their professional skills for their jobs, and take part in any possible political activities for getting political positions. As a result, they finally participated in the American mainstream society. Therefore, this research paper analyzes the meaning and value in political positions of Chinese female immigrants in America by means of using some research theories and methodologies. Furthermore, I give four working cases, including Anna C. Chennault, Lily Lee Chen, Julia Chang Bloch, and Elaine Chao to fit in with my analyzing results. I want to reveal the influence on politics motivations and changing processes for Chinese female immigrants, and understand the meaning of political position in U.S.A.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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