


The Research on the Successor to the Throne in Sui Yang-Ti Dynasty




朱振宏(Chen-Hung Chu)


隋朝 ; 隋煬帝 ; 楊廣 ; 儲君 ; 皇位繼承 ; Sui Dynasty ; Sui Yang-ti(隋煬帝) ; Yang Kuang(楊廣) ; crown prince ; hand down the throne




23期(2011 / 06 / 01)


1 - 40






The article aims at probing into the question about succeeding to the throne in Sui Yang-ti(隋煬帝)dynasty. Yang Chao(楊昭), the first son of Sui Yang-ti, was commanded to be the crown prince. In the second year of Ta-yeh(大業), Yang Chao died of sickness in July. The Successor was hanging in suspense till the death of Sui Yang-ti in the fourteenth year of Ta-yeh. After the death of Yang-chao, I think, Sui Yang-ti tended to nominate Yang Chien(楊暕) as the successor before the fourth year of Ta-yeh. With his dissatisfaction with Yangm Chien, Sui Yang-ti turned to cultivate Yang Tung(楊侗) and Yang Yow(楊侑) as the successors elected to the throne. Yang Hao(楊浩), Yang Tung, Yang Yu and Yang Cheng-tao(楊政道) were nominated to be the emperors after the death Sui Yang-ti, but all of them could not act on their own. Li Yuan(李淵) set up the T'ang Dynasty and then united the China. During the T'ang Tai-tzung(唐太宗) dynasty, Yang Cheng-tao submitted to the authority of T'ang Dynasty. From then on, the question about succeeding to the throne and the disputation with the sovereignty were finally ended.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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