


An Investigation on the Organizational Structure and Duties of Lingzhang-Typed Subordinates of Weiwei Focused on Gongche-sima and Luben during the Western Han Dynasty


李昭毅(Chao-Yi Lee)


衛尉 ; 令長類屬官 ; 敬上 ; 防非 ; 公車司馬 ; 旅賁 ; Weiwei ; Lingzhang-typed subordinates ; respecting the Emperor ; avoiding danger ; Gongche-sima ; Luben




26期(2013 / 06 / 01)


1 - 31






Weiwei is one qing-classed organization of which the main duty is to guard the Imperial Palace and the goals are to respect the Emperor and to avoid danger. The subordinates of Weiwei can be classified into two types: Lingzhang and Tunwei. We discuss the Lingzhang-typed subordinates of Weiwei and analyze their organizational structure, duties and the relationships between duties and the main goals of Weiwei. Thus, we'll further explore factors and contexts which promote or induce the changing of bureaucracy, by which we'll show the developing of the Lingzhang-typed subordinates of Weiwei and the characteristics of Weiwei as the central standing army system. Through our investigation, we'll get several points. First, only two subordinates of Weiwei are set up in the early Han, one of which is Gongche-sima and another is Weishi, but Luben is possibly established until the period of Emperor Jing's and Emperor Wu's bureaucratic transformation. Secondly, Gongche-sima is originally in charge of receiving official documents, tributes from nations surrounding the Han Empire, and the etiquette of entering the Imperial Palace, but in charge of managing royal edict waiters under the Que of the Imperial Palace until the period of Emperor Jing and Emperor Wu. Luben serves as guards of honor and is in charge of repairing weapons of Weiwei. Relatively, until now we have no idea about duties of Weishi. Thirdly, because the duties of the Lin zhan-typed subordinates have more expansion and extension than the Tunwei-typed subordinates, they will be adapted well to new institution under influences outside organizations or new necessity from factors inside organizations. Fourthly, the Lingzhang-typed subordinates are in charge of administrative affairs relevant to the goals of avoiding danger and the mechanics of respecting the Emperor based on the main duties of Weiwei. To sum up, Weiwei will be adapted to the necessity of the Emperor's policital living and the changing of the political and military situation inside and outside the Han Empire. The characteristics of Weiwei not only represent the differences between the central standing army system and the conquest army, but also provide some certain thinking clues of related researches on bureaucracy under the transformation of the guard system from the Han to the Jin Dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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