


Between Explicitness and Implicitness, Compliment and Taboo: Comparing Historical Critiques of Shiji and Shitong


林時民(Shi-Min Lin)


司馬遷 ; 劉知幾 ; 史學批評 ; 寓論斷於敘事 ; Sima Qian ; Liu Zhiji ; Historical Critiques ; Judgment within Narrative




29期(2014 / 12 / 01)


1 - 23






In this study, two pioneering classics-Records of the Grand Historian (Shiji) and Generality of Historiography (Shitong)-as the "official history" and "historical review" types of literature are selected for analysis of their criticism on previous classic books. The essay starts with an analysis of the historical critique of Shiji, briefly commenting on Sima Qian's (or Taishi-gong) masterly skill of "putting judgment within narrative", which has been regarded as an excellent work. Then came Shitong arguing against the predecessor's records of history. It adopted a quite different style, and commented in an incisive and highly scathing approach, and hence many commentators criticized it "intending to reproach the predecessor, and being too harsh". But the book is hardly measured up to in later generations, considering its ability to penetrate throughout history and give insight to the pros and cons. A number of Shitong's critiques on Shiji are listed in the essay to give an overview of the merits and demerits of the two books, but it seems the narrative may not be all wrong and the commentator completely right. The essay aims to elaborate on the abstruse and delicate points of the two great historians' comments that are rarely known by engaging in meticulous study and discussion.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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