


The Taiwan Experience in the perspective ofEnvironmental History: A study based on the Taiwanese people's natural perception and discussion of environmental sanitation during 1920s to 1930s


皮國立(Pi, Kuo-li)


衛生 ; 環境 ; 《臺灣民報》 ; 疾病 ; 空氣汙染 ; health ; environment ; Taiwan People News ; disease ; air pollution




36期(2022 / 06 / 01)


61 - 95






For the discussion of sanitation and hygiene of Taiwan during the Japanese occupation period, there have been abundant research findings. Nevertheless, studies on the environmental factors in these concepts are scarce. Based on the information of Taiwan People News, this study examined the Taiwanese people's knowledge of environmental hygiene and health during the Japanese occupation period. The core issue is that since the end of the 19th century, the analysis of unhealthy environments in daily lives has been important in the discussion of hygiene in East Asia. In the trend, how did the Taiwanese people perceive and record the connection between unhealthy environments and health? Besides, after observing the unhealthy environments, what were the strategies and thoughts towards reform of the Taiwanese people or the colonial government? It, in fact, revealed the cooperation and tension between the government and people on the improvement of environmental hygiene. With the Taiwanese people's increased popular scientific knowledge and the importance of public affairs, the thought on hygiene switched from the thoughts of preventing infectious diseases to the focus on the surrounding environment and rights. In comparison to the thoughts to prevent infectious disease in the early Japanese occupation period, the discomfort depicted in the article, such as the scenes full of odor, filthiness, and excrements, and the uncomfortableness aroused by flying smoke and dust, not only referred to hygiene but also challenged the unjust policies of the colonial government and the Taiwanese people's daily discomfort. The Japanese people's comfort and progress in their lives inspired the Taiwanese people to look forward to civilized lives and their right to enjoy a comfortable life.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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