The aims of the present study are to determine the factors that influence the implementation of ambulatory care education and establish a reference for future revision of the mode of education. Subjects of this study consisted of 87 second-yew intern physicians of a medical center in North-Taiwan. In order to understand the expectations of these intern physicians towards ambulatory care education, an evaluative questionnaire was drafted which included: 1) basic personal information and types (specializations) of ambulatory care education previously participated in, 2) an evaluation of specialization and teaching content, and 3) an investigation into the mode and objective of ambulatory care education. Of a total of 82 questionnaires, 80 were returned, giving a response rate of 97.6%. With regard to the reasons given by students for favoring a specific session, 87.2% of all students indicated that the main reason for their choice was the enthusiasm of the instructing physician, 73.1% said it was the physician’s ability to express himself, while 66.7% felt it was the teaching content. Reasons for specializations to not receive a good evaluation with regard to ambulatory care education, were the instructing physician not being enthusiastic enough (59.6%), the instructing physician not making use or giving instructions on the use of relevant medical instruments or equipment (44.2%), and students finding their clinical skills to be insufficient (26.9%). Students further indicated that, in case of first-year intern physicians, the main teaching objective of ambulatory care education should consist of the physical examination (82.5%), medical his- tow taking (80.0%) arid communication skills (65.0%). For the second year intern physicians, the most important areas were considered to be drug use (70.0%), analysis of X-ray films (66.3%) and evidence-based medicine (63.8%). (Full text in Chinese)
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