The International Medical University (IMU), founded in 1992, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, is the first medical school in this region to introduce problem-based learning (PBL) to the semester one students of the medical programme. A week long induction programme was introduced to students upon entry into IMU, to ensure that they had a clear understanding of the concepts and conduct of the IMU-PBL, which is important for the successful implementation of PBL. The programme included a plenary on 'Introduction to the IMU-PBL', a plenary and demonstration of 'How to utilize resources', PBL exercise 1 and 2, a plenary on 'PBL and Assessment'’, students' feedback on PBL sessions and a critique on a video presentation This paper explores the effectiveness of the PBL induction week. A questionnaire was completed by the students pre and post PBL induction programme. Students rated the hands-on PBL sessions, as being the most useful. This was followed by the plenary on how to utilize resources, Following the induction programme, majority of the students found PBL to be a useful tool for learning. Although 95% of the students agreed that the role of the facilitator is to ask probing questions and stimulate discussion, 67% still feel that the facilitator should be able to teach. PBL induction programme at IMU is a success as the students feedback indicates a positive attitude towards PBL. It is indeed a challenge to maintain this optimism throughout the medical course. This feedback is useful to implementers for further action to be taken in improving the induction programme as well as the IMU-PBL.
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