


Medical Service Satisfaction and the Physician-Patient Relationship: A National Survey via Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviews




廖士程(Shih-Cheng Liao);李明濱(Ming-Been Lee);謝博生(Bor-Shen Hsieh);李源德(Yuan-Teh Lee)


醫病關係 ; 醫療滿意度 ; 電腦輔助電話訪談 ; 全國性普查 ; 簡式症狀量表BSRS-5 ; physician-patient relationship ; satisfaction of medical service ; computer assisted phone interview CATI ; national survey ; Brief Symptom Rating Scale BSRS-5


Journal of Medical Education


9卷2期(2005 / 06 / 01)


149 - 161






Maintaining a good physician-patient relationship and promoting medical service satisfaction are important in medical care and education in this era of managed care. This study aimed at exploring medical service satisfaction of community residents and its association with the physician-patient relationship and psychological distress. We conducted a nationwide survey by proportional stratified random sampling using the telephone directory as the sampling frame. The data was collected via computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) and a structured questionnaire developed by our research team. A Brief Symptom Rating Scale Screening Form (BSRS-5) was applied to measure psychological distress. A total of 1,203 subjects were recruited and the results showed a significant positive correlation between medical service satisfaction and a good physician-patient relationship. Age, attitude of the physician, length of the visit, empathetic understanding from the physician, degree of trust in the physician and psychological distress were the most influential factors on medical service satisfaction. Empathetic understanding from the physician and length of visit were the two relatively lowest scoring items of all those measured. In contrast to univariate analysis, subjective evaluation of adequacy of insurance coverage and feelings about medical practice influenced by the insurance system lost their predictability for medical satisfaction on multivariate analysis. Physician-patient relationship was more influential than feelings about medical insurance. Effective medical counseling which ameliorates psychological distress and enhances the physician-patient relationship may also improve medical service satisfaction.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論
社會科學 > 教育學
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