


Initial Trial of Problem-based Learning in Teaching of Medical Ethics Curriculum




賴明亮(Ming-Liang Lai);趙可式(Co-Shi Chao);陳興星(Hsing-Hsing Chen);陳永榮(Yung-Zung Chen);蔡明哲(Ming-Che Tsai);李伯璋(Po-Chang Lee);林其和(Chyi-Her Lin);李坤崇(Kuen-Chorng Lee)


醫學倫理 ; 以問題為導向之學習 ; 教學法 ; medical ethics ; problem-based learning ; teaching method


Journal of Medical Education


9卷4期(2005 / 12 / 01)


1 - 11






A hybrid method was developed to evaluate the use of ”problem-based learning” (PBL) when teaching medical ethics. One third of this course was given as regular lectures to a relative large group of students and the other two thirds of the course were arranged as PBL discussion. The course was designed for students during their 4th year at Medical School. The first half of the lectures used a didactic approach with the main themes being the philosophical basis of ethics together with the four principles of respect, namely, autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and social justice. Students then participated in PBL discussions on clinical cases that included ethical issues for two hours every other week. The cases used for the PBL studies were subjects related to hospice care, organ transplantation and SARS. The students appreciated this approach to the teaching of medical ethics using PBL. They agreed generally that the PBL discussions were able to help them think about the ethical issues involved in medical decisions and how they might communicate with the patients during later medical practice. Students also suggested that the number of case studies for the PBL discussions should be increased in the future. It was also noted that if the case is associated too much with legal issues, then the focus of the ethical discussion becomes blurred. Our experience indicated that, even when discussing the same PBL case, the appropriate decision might vary according to the available level of advancement of medical knowledge. We also need to acknowledge the importance of tutor training when teaching medical ethics by PBL.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論
社會科學 > 教育學
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