The School of Medicine, China Medical University has carried out an extensive curriculum reform since 2001. A curriculum reform executive committee, in charge of the planning and implementation of the curricular change, was made up of faculty members and students. Traditional discipline-based lectures were changed into an organ-based New Integrated Curriculum in a form of blocks that combined problem-based learning (PBL) and clinical skills and communication (CSC). Between 2001 and 2005, three cohorts of 377 medical students completed 12 clinical blocks and returned course evaluation questionnaire with a 71.5% (54.l to 97.0%) recovery rate. The average satisfaction of the students increased year by year and was 3.76, 3.81 and 3.98 for the last three years respectively (5 for very satisfied; 1 for very unsatisfied). Of the 2146 descriptive feedbacks, positive feedback accounted for 26.3%, while critical feedback accounted for 73.7%. The critical feedbacks could be classified into five groups: course arrangement, teaching content and methods, teaching resources, students assessments, and other factors; these have been of great benefit as we have tried to improve our New Integrated Curriculum.
As stated, leadership, a cooperative climate, participation by school members, evaluation, human resource development, and politics are the key elements needed for successful curriculum reform. The experience of our school should be helpful to other medical schools.
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