醫學中心的臨床教師或住院醫師是負責指導醫學生的第一線臨床教育者,他們必須是具備卓越的教學技巧與經驗之稱職的教師,才能教導出優秀的醫學院畢業生從事醫療照護工作。自1992年以來,美國有多所醫學院發展出類似評量醫學生臨床技能學習成果的客觀結構式臨床測驗(Objective Structured Clinical Examination, OSCE),應用標準化學生(standardized students, SS)來評量臨床教師或住院醫師之教學技巧的客觀結構式教學測驗(Objective Structured Teaching Examination, OSTE)。由於OSTE各測驗站之個案採用常見的臨床教學實境(如何進行床邊教學、門診指導、病歷繕寫、回饋等),而且有明確的評量目的與評估標準,因此能夠有效地評量臨床教師與住院醫師的臨床教學技巧。同時,標準化學生提供一個高真實性、低風險的模擬情境,讓教師能夠練習、體驗新的教學技巧與行為,並且可獲得來自標準化學生的直接回饋,以協助改進與提升他們的教學。本文之目的在介紹客觀結構式教學測驗與標準化學生,以期更多元化的評量教師教學能力,並提昇教師之教學成果。目前台灣各大學校院都在積極推動教師成長課程或活動,客觀結構式教學測驗(OSTE)的運用,將能夠提供各校建立客觀且有效的教師成長課程以及教師教學評量方法之參考。
Clinical faculty and residents are the primary clinical teachers for medical students in medical centers; they should possess excellent teaching skills and become effective teachers to help students become well-prepared doctors. To assess their clinical teaching skills, Objective Structured Teaching Examination (OSTE), a new assessment tool modeled on Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), was developed by several American medical schools in 1992. In OSTE, each case scenario reflects a teaching setting that clinical teachers often encounter, and the assessment objectives and standards of each case are clearly defined. Thus it is used as an effective assessment tool for teaching performance. Moreover, standardized students-well trained students to portray the students role in a case-provides a high reality and low risk simulated environment where clinical teachers can practice and experience new teaching methods and behaviors. Direct feedbacks from standardized students and faculty observers can also help clinical faculty and residents improve their teaching skills. Besides assessing teaching skills of clinical teachers, OSTE is also used in faculty development program to assess the progress of program participants and the effectiveness of the program. Since medical schools in Taiwan are implementing faculty development programs, it is worth considering using OSTE to objectively and effectively assess teaching skills of clinical faculty and residents.
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