Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact on residents who attended a small group evidence-based medicine workshop. Methods: We designed a small group of evidence-based medicine (EBM) workshop that consisted of two half-day sessions, Each study group consisted of six to ten members, The first half-day session included an introduction to EBM, formulating PICO questions, online searching practice and discussion. Then the residents appraised one Copy of literature about therapy themselves between sessions. The second half-day session was held one week later and included a guide to quick critical appraisal, applying evidence to a clinical situation, and a wrap-up period. Self-rating questionnaires were filled out before and after the workshop, which evaluate the residents' attitude, their self-reported skills and their general concept about EBM practice. In addition, the residents' satisfaction with the EBM workshop was also surveyed. Results: In total, 126 residents attended the EBM workshops from October 2003 to July 2004, and 116 completed the questionnaires. The residents had a clearer general concept of FBM after the w workshop (pre-workshop mean 2.0±1.2, post-workshop mean 3.7±1.0, p<0.001). In terms of attitude toward EBM, ideas that had changed significantly were Al (FBM is realistic), A2 (EBM is useful), A7 (EBM is a cookbook), and A9 (filters improve quality). All the questions asked about EBM skills were significantly improved after workshop. The residents also had a high satisfaction score (mean 5.2±0.8) with the EBM workshop's utilization of a small interactive group. Conclusion: A well-designed and prepared small group EBM workshop is able to affect residents' attitudes toward EBM positively and effectively improve their EBM skills. The residents' satisfaction with such a workshop was high.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact on residents who attended a small group evidence-based medicine workshop. Methods: We designed a small group of evidence-based medicine (EBM) workshop that consisted of two half-day sessions, Each study group consisted of six to ten members, The first half-day session included an introduction to EBM, formulating PICO questions, online searching practice and discussion. Then the residents appraised one Copy of literature about therapy themselves between sessions. The second half-day session was held one week later and included a guide to quick critical appraisal, applying evidence to a clinical situation, and a wrap-up period. Self-rating questionnaires were filled out before and after the workshop, which evaluate the residents' attitude, their self-reported skills and their general concept about EBM practice. In addition, the residents' satisfaction with the EBM workshop was also surveyed. Results: In total, 126 residents attended the EBM workshops from October 2003 to July 2004, and 116 completed the questionnaires. The residents had a clearer general concept of FBM after the w workshop (pre-workshop mean 2.0±1.2, post-workshop mean 3.7±1.0, p<0.001). In terms of attitude toward EBM, ideas that had changed significantly were Al (FBM is realistic), A2 (EBM is useful), A7 (EBM is a cookbook), and A9 (filters improve quality). All the questions asked about EBM skills were significantly improved after workshop. The residents also had a high satisfaction score (mean 5.2±0.8) with the EBM workshop's utilization of a small interactive group. Conclusion: A well-designed and prepared small group EBM workshop is able to affect residents' attitudes toward EBM positively and effectively improve their EBM skills. The residents' satisfaction with such a workshop was high.
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