Feedback is at the heart of medical education. It is also an essential skill for all clinical teachers. In addition to self-assessment, medical students also need reflective input from those with more proficiency than themselves. Medical trainees, including medical students and residents, desire feedback from preceptors in order to improve their clinical performance, and it is the responsibility of clinical teachers to provide this feedback. Providing feedback may be time-consuming and it is sometimes handled improperly in the design of clinical training programs. According to a recent report of Medical Education Reform in Taiwan (2004), feedback was only obtained once per semester by questionnaire in some medical centers. How to promote mutual feedback between medical trainees and trainers is an important issue in future clinical medical education. Method: At China Medical University Hospital, we have developed an online system to promote mutual feedback between medical trainers and trainees. The trainees express their reflections and suggestions on the teaching programs, planning and performance of teachers at the end of every training course through this online system. The teachers also evaluate the trainees constructively and multidimensionally through this online system, so both medical trainees and trainers exchange their perspectives and feedback. The officials in charge of medical education monitor unusual deviations in the training activities and performance and analyze the factors that may improve the training programming. Conclusion: This online system can promote and help clinical teachers to appreciate the role of feedback as a fundamental clinical teaching tool and to recognize the many opportunities for using this tool. It also helps to promote continuous quality improvement in the programming of clinical medical education.
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