


Analysis of Students' Expectations and Learning Outcomes in a Medical Ethics Course




李錦虹(Gin-Hong Lee);鄒國英(Kuo-Ying Tsou);王志嘉(Chin-Chia Wang);穆淑琪(Shu-Chi Mu);邱浩彰(Hou-Chang Chiu)


課程評量 ; 醫學倫理 ; 教育成效 ; 學生期待 ; course evaluation ; medical ethics ; education outcome ; student expectation


Journal of Medical Education


13卷1期(2009 / 03 / 01)


35 - 48






This paper evaluated a medical ethics course at Fu-Jen Catholic University from multiple perspectives, in particular focusing on student learning expectations. This two-credit course comprised two traditional lectures and six problem-based learning sessions in one semester. Each session in turn comprised six small groups led by different tutors. The participants were 52 sixth-year medical students at the FJU College of Medicine. Evaluations were conducted at the beginning and at the end of the course. A thought-listing method was used as the pre-test instrument while the post-test instrument was a general course evaluation form and the pre-post test instruments were a medical ethics attitude questionnaire and the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy. The qualitative research findings from thought listing indicated that students attitudes toward medical ethics and an ideal course design concerned law issues, ethical themes, teaching methods, the current medical environment, expected learning outcomes, and professional identity. The quantative research findings in the post test suggested students were significantly satisfied with the general course design, self performance, and the six PBL sessions. Some positive attitude changes demonstrated the successful features of this course. However, students pointed out that there is a discrepancy between class learning and actual clinical application, and indicated that they expected more opportunities to gain a deeper understanding of the roles of doctors and patients as well as clearer problem solving strategies to deal with ethical dilemmas. Prior to the commencement of the class, students were eager to share the physician's clinical experience, but this tendency for role model learning was significantly decreased after the course. The underlying causes of this phenomenon are worthy of further exploration. None of the empathy scale items reached the pre-post statistical significant difference. The implications of all these findings for future course design in medical ethics are discussed in this paper.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論
社會科學 > 教育學
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