Worldwide, several universities have applied Team-Based Learning (TBL) to the teaching of clinical medicine. Evidence shows that student engagement in learning is boosted, and that communication with their peers is improved. In this study, we applied TBL to the family medicine undergraduate curriculum as an educational strategy aimed at improving the students' learning outcomes. The family medicine curriculum for 6th year medical students includes preventive medicine, palliative medicine, and occupational medicine, each of which comprises a 4-hour session of TBL. Readiness assurance pretest scores were compared with posttest scores. A semi-structured questionnaire was administered to the students after the TBL sessions to evaluate the students' perceptions of the TBL. The results show that using TBL was able to significantly improve learning outcomes, particularly among those students with a poor academic performance (pretest score, 72.5; posttest score, 89.2). The majority of students acknowledged that TBL was an interesting and inspiring learning experience. Furthermore, they indicated that there was increased willingness to take part in active learning (43.4%) and that they felt that there was good learner-to-learner interaction in class (47.8%). In conclusion, TBL is a good strategy that can be used effectively and interactively, even with a large class.
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