Since the early 1990s, Problem Based Learning (PBL) has witnessed a phenomenal growth in interest and usage in Pacific Asia, particularly in medical education. Whilst the initial years of implementation were marred by resistance to change and institutional inertia, recent active government support for change in several countries as well as slowly changing mindsets have produced a climate where labelling a medical program as ”PBL” has become a must-do for schools seeking to compete for reputation and ranking. Whilst in the vast majority of cases, these programs are ”hybrid” versions of the pedagogy, utilizing PBL in only 10% to 30% of the curriculum, and sometimes even less, a few cases of best practice in PBL implementation have emerged. Little research is available on these ”comprehensive” programs-what is available focuses on specific aspects of the curriculum rather than on providing a comparative overview, particularly across different countries. This paper proposes an in depth comparison of two best-practice medical institutions in Indonesia and Taiwan, providing a comparative analysis of the successes and challenges that both institutions have faced in implementing their program. It looks at the common factors of success, as well as the different ways in which the basic philosophy was implemented, such that the two programs, although both using a ”comprehensive” PBL philosophy, have a very different focus. This study is based on data gathered during fieldwork research at Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia), Fu Jen Catholic University (Taiwan), combined with access to published and unpublished materials on both programs.
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