
Preceptor Training Workshops Facilitate Quality Experiential Programs in Pharmaceutical Primary Care




Yunn-Fang Ho;Hui-Po Wang;Karin Chiung-Sheue Chen Liu;Yun-Wen Tang;Yen-Hsia Wen;Tzu-Chueh Wang


experiential education ; pharmacy practice experience ; preceptor development ; community pharmacy


Journal of Medical Education


21卷4期(2017 / 12 / 01)


148 - 161




Purpose: The shortage of well-trained primary care practitioners and preceptors presents a significant challenge for healthcare and education systems. The study aimed to develop structured preceptor training workshops (preceptor certification), and to assess the impact on pharmacist trainees' concept, attitude, and performance of experiential teaching. Methods: The workshop framework and contents were developed by an expert committee. Pharmacists participating in the 2012-2013 training workshops were surveyed using a 22-statement (pre- and post-workshop; eleven-point scale) questionnaire for analyzing the impact of the workshop on their concept and attitude of experiential teaching. In parallel, students enrolled in 2012-2013 Community Pharmacy Practice Experiences (CPPE) courses answered a 14-statement (post-course; five-point scale) questionnaire for evaluating the impact of preceptor certification by comparing certified and non-certified preceptors' performance. Results: A structured workshop was designed, and has been implemented. Substantial impact of the workshops on 287 pharmacist trainees was documented, demonstrating that pharmacists' concept related to workplace-based education and their attitude regarding experiential contents were both enriched. As revealed by subsequent surveys of 309 students' perspectives on their CPPE courses, certified preceptors gained better students' satisfaction ratings than non-certified preceptors. Conclusions: A structured preceptor training workshop was developed for community pharmacy practices. This study demonstrated that the workshop improved the concept, attitude, and performance of the trainees. Student enrollment and certified preceptors in the elective CPPEs were both invigorated during the study period. Preceptor training workshops proved to be of quantitative and qualitative value for supporting experiential community pharmacy programs.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論
社會科學 > 教育學
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