Purpose: This main purpose of the study was to develop a transcultural nursing program for nursing students to enhance their cultural competence. Methods: The Process of Cultural Competence in the Delivery of Healthcare Services model was followed to drive the curriculum design. The program included two parts: one semester course in Taiwan and one intensive course in Australia. Multi-teaching strategies were used, including didactic lectures, group projects, workshops and field practice, in order to motivate a desire to understand the differences in local culture and health care systems in Taiwan and Australia and then arouse cultural awareness, enhance cultural knowledge and skills, and encourage cultural encounters. Post-course evaluations were conducted using e-surveys, reflections, and the Cultural Capacity Scale. Results: Twenty undergraduate and postgraduate nursing students completed this program in 2017 and 2018. The students were satisfied with the course designs and gave the highest ranking for cultural experiences. The total score on the Cultural Capacity Scale ranged from 78.9 ± 9.1, with individual scores ranging from 66 to 100. Master students had the highest scores on the Cultural Capacity Scale (82.7 ± 9.6), followed by the PhD students (77.7 ± 5.7), whereas the undergraduate students had the lowest scores (72.2 ± 5.6). The results indicated that the students have the confidence to teach and guide other nursing colleagues about the differences and similarities between diverse cultures and that they have adapted the concepts to take care of their patients. Conclusions: Conducting transcultural nursing programs with different teaching strategies for undergraduate and postgraduate nursing students will help them become familiar with issues of cultural competence in nursing care.
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