Purpose: The implementation of competency-based medical education (CBME) is increasing worldwide and has been emphasized by key reports in health professional education. The objective of this study is to describe the consensus process and results that led to the Taiwanese pharmacists' core competencies framework. Methods: The initial draft of the core competencies and profession-specific sub-competencies were formulated by CBME task force members of the Taiwan Society of Health-System Pharmacists (TSHP). Expert pharmacist educators from representative teaching medical facilities across Taiwan were invited to go through a standard process of the nominal group technique (NGT) to come up with the final framework. After the consensus process, the participants' opinions on this process were assessed via a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire. Results: Twelve pharmacist educators participated in three iterative rounds of consensus meeting between November and December 2022. Through the consensus process, 6 core competencies and 15 sub-competencies (and their descriptions) were developed. Self-assessments of participants' comprehension were all significantly improved on all six core competencies after the consensus process (2.55-3.56 to 4.55-4.91). The consensus process was considered effective to build shared mental model for participating educators. Conclusions: This study proposes the first competency framework for foundation-level pharmacists in Taiwan. The developed framework represents a consensus on competencies for foundation-level pharmacists working across all pharmacy sectors. Moreover, all medical educators who participated in the process showed improvements in their comprehension of the 6 core competencies.
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