


On the Relation between National Parks and Happiness of Life: Examples of Yangmingshan National Park and Taijiang National Park


徐佐銘(Tsuo-Ming Hsu)


國家公園 ; 陽明山國家公園 ; 台江國家公園 ; 生態保育 ; 休閒遊憩 ; 幸福人生 ; 效益主義 ; 正向心理學 ; national park ; Yangmingshan National Park ; Taijiang National Park ; ecological preservation ; tourism ; happiness of life ; utilitarianism ; positive psychology




52期(2012 / 04 / 01)


173 - 201






There are eight national parks in Taiwan. According to the time of their establishment, these parks are Kenting National Park (1982), Yushan Natuonal Park (1985), Yangmingshan National Park (1985), Taroko National Park (1986), Shei-pa National Park (1992), Kinmen National Park (1995), Tongsha Atoll National Park (2007), and Taijiang National Park (2009). Although the two purposes-ecological preservation and tourism-for the establishment of national parks are widely known, papers on the relation between national parks and happiness of life are still few. I will discuss the close relation between national parks and happiness of life in this paper, by the examples of Yangmingshsn National Park and Taijiang National Park. I will take the approach of utilitarianism to reveal the important relation of national parks and happiness of life in the value and meaning on one hand, and try to solve the problems of utilitarianism on the other hand. In the discussion of happiness of life, I will use the research effects of positive psychology to illuminate solutions for the problems.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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