


The Ethics of Woods: The Experiential and Discussive


蕭振邦(Jenn-Bang Shiau)


誘因 ; 山林感性 ; 適的美學 ; 宇宙觀點 ; 山林倫理 ; The incentive ; Aisthesis of woods ; Fitness aesthetics ; The point of view of the universe ; The ethics of woods




64期(2018 / 04 / 01)


349 - 389






The improvement of contemporary life and the relief of the current environmental crisis require people's concern and engagement. However, it is one thing to understand this matter, but another thing to make people take action. To improve life is a matter of each individual, and to ease the environmental crisis is a matter of the public. But whether it is personal or public affairs, people need an incentive to take action. This paper attempts to reveal that to change the external world, one needs to start with changing oneself, and to change oneself, it is necessary to change one's life. And to change one's life requires the motivative aeithesis. But how to start it? This paper provides a "wilderness trigger" incentive, which is to start our drive to change our lives by exposing ourselves to the woods. Why exposing ourselves to the woods can be taken as the impetus to change our lives, as well as to change the external world? This papper will make clear my arguments from the perspectives of "aisthesis of woods," "fitness aesthetics," "the point of view of the universe," and "the ethics of woods." It will also reveal a way of hedonism.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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