In this paper, the people of mountaineering sports common lying in leisure activities find the Leopard cat as a wedge, and the "moral requirement" of reverence for life and humanitarianism in the demand of Well-being. This is a powerful approach, the appeal of animal rights and individualism of preference utilitarianism. In short, this is an individual's knowledge and practice issue in environmental ethics, and the "moral requirement" to return to its own practice will face the difficult problem of "Universalizable". This paper explains Singer's practical ethics through ethics, and the egoism will encounter difficulties, with a broader view of egoism, to take some kind of change action, with a view to discover the real Well-being. Secondly, taking the development of "national park" as an example, based on the common good to exclude self-interest, individual consideration of environmental well-being, the appeal of the overall sharing of the whole people, the idea of Well-being is in line with the idea of efficiencyism. Finally, through the holistic consideration of one world, into the relevant discussion.
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