


The impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the world: A Reflection based on Confucianism


金美華(Mei-Hua Chin)


新冠肺炎 ; 道德兩難困境 ; 儒家 ; 人文關懷 ; 天下一家 ; 程明道 ; COVID-19 ; Moral Dilemma ; Confucianism ; Humanistic care ; all as one Family ; Cheng Mingdao(程明道)




71期(2021 / 10 / 01)


161 - 182






The COVID-19 pandemic occurred at the end of 2019 and has spread all over the world. By year 2021 almost all countries are affected. Experts declare pessimistically that this epidemic will continue until the autumn of 2021. It is not sure when the public will feel "completely safe". Looking around the world, we are shocked to find that a small virus has caused such a huge impact on human society. The impact is widespread and covers all levels of politics, diplomacy, society, economy, education, lifestyle, etc. Though Lao-tzu(老子)'s Daode Ching(《道德經》)says "Heaven and Earth is non-benevolent, making the ten thousand creatures as sacrifice and the rulers making the common folks as sacrifice," Confucians look at Heaven and Earth as nurturer, creating all ten thousand creatures and making them flourishing without predilections. It depends on how the virtue persons respond to it. Nature looks defective but the world is full of compassion and warm. As the great Song Neo-Confucian Cheng Mingdao(程顥,程明道)said, "the person of ren(仁)is one with the ten thousand creatures. If one takes everything as one with oneself, one will do everything for every other. If one takes others as others and not with oneself, then one will take others as irrelevant. It is like one's hands and feet are separated, there is no mutual feeling between them. To salvage all is the duty of a sage-king." It means that a person with ren(仁)is one who feels compassion with the sick, and will responds with the heart/mind of compassion when hearing the cries of hunger and cold, and when seeing the sick and deformed, the widower and widow, the orphan and the old and will rise up for the saving and comforting of such unfortunate people. This paper analyses first the impact of this pandemic and the change of human society and lifestyle, and moral dilemmas caused by the pandemic. Furthermore, from the humanistic perspective of Confucianism, I try to understand the disaster and trial of human nature, and how the thought of "the person of ren is one with the ten thousand creatures" could help us to make an adequate way of living together with others in such a pandemic. The principle is "for oneself is for others" and "for others is for oneself", and with waves of epidemics ahead, sticking together as one body with all people as one family is the best respond to this pandemic.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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