The purpose of this study was to develop and test the reliability and validity of the Taiwanese version of Lancashire Quality of Life Profile(T-LQOLP). The relationship between demographic factors, psychotic symptoms, care settings, and quality of life (QOL) of patients with schizophrenia were also be examined. Methods: One hundred patients with schizophrenia were recruited from patients who were receiving hospital day care or were treated in an outpatient setting of a university hospital in Taipei. Data were collected by personal interview after written informed consent was obtained. Results: The T-LQOLP was established after linguistic modification. The internal consistency (Cronbach’s a) ranged from 0.53 to 0.82 for the nine subjective QOL domains. The test-retest reliability ICCs ranged from 0.60 to 0.92 in the nine subjective QOL domains. The SF-36 and three items from the T-LQOLP were used as the criterion-related validity tools. The T-LQOLP had significant correlations between the two scales, and had satisfactory contruct validity. Exploratory factor analyses revealed a six-factor (family relations, health and safety, finance, autonomy and well-being, social relations, and leisure) model. Among the nine subjective QOL domains, the highest satisfaction domain was family relations, while the lowest satisfaction domains were work and finance. The best factors in predicting subjective QOL were affect symptoms, care setting, separate marital status, age range of 20-3 0 years, and negative symptoms. Conclusions: This study has successfully established the T-LQOLP by demonstrating its satisfactory reliability and validity. This instrument is applicable for use in Taiwanese patients with schizophrenia. The T-LQOLP can also be served as a rating scale for cross-cultural study and as a tool for clinical psychiatric assessment in Taiwan. (Full text in Chinese)
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