Objective: Most convicted sex offenders deny or minimize their crimes. Post-conviction polygraph technique examinations are increasingly used as a tool to assist in managing denial attitude in sex offenders more safely and effectively. There has been little study of the problem of denial attitude among offenders in Taiwan. This study used the complete disclosure examination to investigate the denial attitude of incarcerated male sexual offenders. Method: Forty incarcerated male sex offenders were included in this study. All of the subjects gave informed consent to undergo polygraph examination. Data obtained by complete disclosure examination were analyzed to estimate the probability of deception regarding sexual history. All data were recorded with a Lafayette 4000 Computerized Polygraph System by a certificated polygraph examiner. The charts were analysed by POLYSCORE scoring system and by an experienced examiner. Result: Chart analysis led to the classification of deception in 13 subjects, inconclusive results in 11 subjects and no deception in 16 subjects. A significant difference in the duration sentence was found between (deception indicated + inconclusive) and no deception indicated groups. No significant difference was found in age, level of education, marital status and prior sexual offense or violence record among these three groups of subjects. Conclusion: This study found that 60% of incarcerated sex offenders maintained a denial attitude during an interview with their psychiatric treatment provider. This finding suggests the importance of monitoring of the denial problem of sexual offenders by treatment professionals.
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