


Alexithymia in Non-psychiatric Outpatients of a General Hospital




林育臣(Yu-Chen Lin);陳展航(Chin-Hong Chan)


情感表達不能 ; 健康 ; 身體的 ; 門診病患 ; alexithymia ; health ; somatic ; outpatient




20卷4期(2006 / 12 / 01)


272 - 278




目的:本研究目的在探討綜合醫院中的非精神科門診病患,情感表達不能的表現情形,並評估其對於個案自我感受的身心健康狀態的影響。方法:以台灣版多倫多述情量表(Toronto Alexithymia scale-20)作為評估情感表達不能的研究工具,和以中國人健康量表(Chinese Health Questionnaire-12)作為評估自我感受的身心健康狀態的研究工具。研究對象為台中榮民總醫院18-60歲非精神科門診個案,總數403人(男性147名,女性256名)。收集個案的基本資料以及上述兩個問卷的分數進行統計分析。結果:自認為較差的經濟狀況和可能罹患輕型精神疾患的個案有較高的比例有顯著情感表達不能的特質;外在導向型思考的因素則與較低的教育程度有關。結論:門診非精神科個案的情感表達不能與自我感受到的身心健康狀態有顯著的相關性。有顯著情緒表達不能特質的個案在面對身體問題時,有較高的危險性會罹患輕型精神疾病。


Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the alexithymic features of non-psychiatric outpatients in a general hospital, and to evaluate the influence of alexithymia on their self-perceived health status. Methods: Alexithymia was assessed with the Toronto Alexithymia Scale, Taiwan version. Self-perceived health status was assessed with the Chinese Health Questionnaire. Data were collected from a total of 403 non-psychiatric outpatients of aged from 18 to 60 years old. Scores of the two questionnaires and data on sociodemographic variables were analyzed. Results: Subjects with subjectively poor economic status and risk of minor psychiatric morbidity (CHQ≧4) had a higher ratio of alexithymics (TAS≧61). Outside-oriented thinking was correlated with lower educational level. Conclusion: Alexithymia was correlated with self-perceived health status in non-psychiatric outpatients. Subjects with significant alexithymia were at high risk of minor psychiatric disorders when facing somatic problems.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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