


Childhood Temperament of Behavioral Inhibition and Anxiety




簡意玲(Yi-Ling Chien,);蔡文哲(Wen-Che Tsai)


行為抑制 ; 氣質 ; 社交畏懼 ; 社交焦慮 ; behavioral inhibition ; temperament ; social phobia ; social anxiety




21卷3期(2007 / 09 / 01)


153 - 166




行為抑制的概念是由心理學家Kagan於1988年所提出,用以描述兩歲左右幼童對陌生情境、人或事件所表現出的拘謹或害怕。Kagan以一系列的追蹤研究演示此氣質對於未來精神病理的影響,包括有較高比例出現社交畏懼、與多重焦慮診斷等。行為抑制雖經由實驗室觀察來定義,證據顯示其亦具有生物學基礎,部分生理指標異於一般孩童;包括交感神經系統的活化、下視丘-腦垂腺-腎上腺軸線的活化、杏仁核活性增加等。其他氣質理論亦大多存在與行為抑制相關之向度,其概念上與Gray的行為抑制系統(BIS: behaviorinhibition system)相呼應。由認知心理學的角度看行為抑制,若干認知心理學測驗被研究發展,也應用於探討行為抑制與精神病理的關聯。影響行為抑制的因素,包括環境因素,如父母養育方式等;而氣質的遺傳學研究中,亦顯示5-HTT基因多型性、CRH (Corticotropin-releasing Hormone)基因型與行為抑制可能存在著關聯。最後,行為抑制的能力對於學習社會化有其必要性。


The concept of ”behavior inhibition” is a temperamental trait established by Kagan in 1988 and describes the fear of reticence associated with unfamiliar situations, events or strangers in children around 2 years old. Longitudinal studies have demonstrated that behavior inhibition in toddlers influences friture psychopathology, including higher risks of social anxiety and multiple anxiety disorder. Although the trait of behavior inhibition is defined by laboratory observation, there has also been evidence presented of a biological basis for the trait, including activation of the autonomous nervous system, hyperactivity of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, increased amygdalar activity, etc. Dimensions similar to behavior inhibition have also been noted in other paradigms of temperament, especially Gray’s behavior inhibition system. From the viewpoint of cognitive psychology, several paradigms have been developed to help the investigation of relatedness between behavior inhibition and psychopathology. Using these, many factors have been shown to be correlated with behavior inhibition, including environmental factors such as parenting style and genetic factors such as genetic polymorphism of the 5-HIT gene and of the gene encoding corticotropin-releasing hormone. These preliminary genetic results need to be verified further. Finally, the temperament trait of behavior inhibition would seem to be necessary for the internalization of self-control and thus plays an important part in the development of socialization.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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