
Reliability of Right-side versus Left-side Derived Parameters of Bi-pulse Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: Preliminary Findings




鄭佳洵(Jia-Shyun Jeng);李正達(Cheng-Ta Li);陳牧宏(Mu-Hong Chen);林韋丞(Wei-Chen Lin);白雅美(Ya-Mei Bai);蔡世仁(Shih-Jen Tsai)


bi-pulse TMS ; TMS paradigms ; hemisphere asymmetry ; reliability ; 雙脈衝經顱刺激術 ; 經顱刺激研究參數 ; 大腦半球非對稱性 ; 信度




32卷3期(2018 / 09 / 01)


211 - 216+iii




Objectives: Bi-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive method to specifically assess excitation and inhibition of the motor cortex. Bi-pulse TMS has been used to study pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders such as major depressive disorder, in numerous studies. But whether inconsistent methodology, such as applying TMS pulse to left or right motor cortex, has impact on the results of previously studies, is unclear. In this study, we intended to study whether results of TMS bi-pulse paradigms obtained from left or right motor cortex are reliable. Method: We included 19 right-handed healthy subjects who received bi-pulse TMS procedures applying stimuli to bilateral motor cortices twice. They were assessed at baseline (week 1) and at the end of 8 weeks (week 8). Then, we compared the differences between left and right side variables. Results: There was not significant difference of bi-pulse TMS parameters between left and right hemisphere, respectively, at week 1 or at week 8. By using Pearson's correlation, there was significant highly correlated to motor evoked potential (MEP) -100% (r = 0.781, p < 0.001), MEP-active (r = 0.751, p < 0.001), MEP-size (r = 0.734, p < 0.001) from right motor cortex between week 1 and week 8. TMS measurements from the non-dominant (right) motor cortex showed more reliable than the dominant (left) side. Conclusion: Our study provided evidence that the non-dominant (right-side) measures were more reliable than the dominant (left-side) hemisphere.


背景:雙脈衝經顱磁刺激是一個非侵入性的研究方法,研究腦部運動皮層興奮和抑制性質。但不一致的研究方法,例如:把脈衝打在左腦或是右腦運動皮質,對結果是否有影響仍是未知。本篇主旨探討自左右腦運動皮質取得的研究參數有否差異及何者信度較高。方法:19位右撇子健康受試者,在第一週和第八週於左右腦運動皮質接受雙脈衝經顱磁刺激。利用成對樣本t檢定比較左右腦獲得的參數。利用皮爾生相關係數去檢視第一週和第八週的參數相關程度作為再測信度的結果。結果:比較左右腦得到的研究參數,並無統計上顯著差異。比較第一週和第八週的相關係數,自右腦(非優勢大腦)得到的研究參數數值:MEP-100% (r = 0.781, p < 0.001), MEP-active (r = 0.751, p < 0.001), MEP-size (r = 0.734, p < 0.001)皆比左腦(優勢大腦)的研究參數數值穩定。結論:非優勢大腦得到的研究參數數值比優勢大腦的研究參數數值穩定。

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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