


A Study on Family Crisis Linking to Stress and Resources with Special Reference to Cases in the Taiwan Provincial Taichung Children's Home




張憶純(Yi-Chun Chang);古允文(Yeun-Wen Ku)


家庭壓力 ; 家庭危機 ; 家庭資源 ; 質化研究 ; 個案研究 ; family stress ; family crisis ; resources ; qualitative research ; case study




3卷1期(1999 / 06 / 01)


95 - 139






This paper is bases on the ”ABC-X model of Family Stress” especially focusing on the forming of family dysfunction because of scarce resources. By case studies we interview with the parents who settled their children in the Taiwan Provincial Taichung Children' s Home, to see the processes why and how they must search for an alternative way to family functions. We find a ”stress pile-up” phenomenon in family life cycle. The resources at both personal level and family system are not enough to cope with stressful family events or situations, because the resources from such primary system are limited and usually with conflicts. And it is also hard to get supports from social system. Resources form social networks are ”poor”, ”blocked”, or ”unavailable”, while the relationship between the families and their potential resource providers are poor and difficult to have a just information. Finally, we tried to propose some strategies linking to the provisions to be done by social work practice and the government, including an improvement of public/private partnership, case (care) management and community-based services. We argue that more positive measures and resources should be devoted to preserve and reunify a well-functioning family. A more concrete and comprehensive family policy is necessary in the near future, by which families should not be left on their own.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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