


Exploring Service Delivery Models of Community Care




黃源協(Yuan-Shie Hwang)


社區照顧 ; 科層-專業主義 ; 新管理主義 ; 新專業-新管理 ; community care ; bureau-professionalism ; new managerialism ; new professional-new management




4卷2期(2000 / 12 / 01)


179 - 220






This paper, based on the experiences of community care development in Britain, aims at exploring different models of community care management, and concluding its implications for the development of community care in Taiwan. The creation of welfare state brought the British welfare service delivery into a 'bureau-professionalism regime' model in the mid-1940s. Its category expanded but caused severe criticism as a result of its paternalism and inefficiency in the mid-1970s. The idea of new managerialism which emphasizes performance, outcome and customer-oriented has increasingly replaced the traditional 'bureau-professionalism' model practically under the advocacy of the New Right since the 1980s. Because the former over-emphasizes economy, efficiency and effectiveness and ignores equity and ethics which human services appeal, a controversy between bureau-professionalism and new managerialism has therefore provoked. This paper proposed a new professional-new management model based on a new idea of 'the best value' as a strategy for pacifying the dispute. Further, through its adherence to mediation, patronage and collegiality and through its tolerance of both professional autonomy and management, the model will be able to re-establish equilibrium in the caring services. In Taiwan, community care is in its initial stage. To avoid getting into an empty rhetorical new management or drawing into an inefficient bureau-professionalism, the new professional-new management model may provide us a speculative direction of constructing an appropriate community care system.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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