


Mapping Research in Voluntary and Non-Profit Organizations-Typology, Agenda and Prospect




張世雄(Shrsyung Carl Chang)


自願部門 ; 非營利組織 ; 民主政治 ; 社會福利 ; voluntary and non-profit organizations ; democracy ; social welfare




5卷2期(2001 / 12 / 01)


223 - 262






A personal cognitive map for research in voluntary and non-profit organizations is carefully planned through examination of the developmental states in the past and the present in terms of both analytic typology and research agenda. Furthermore, the pry to the crisis in both democratic ways of life as well as, in social welfare provides a contextual outlook for grounded understanding. The thesis of relational complexity among analytic distinctions is developed and contended by extensive discussions in theoretical issues and methodological themes, in analytic levels as well as some other substantial topics. It is suggested, at the final part, that an. invisible danger, emerged from contradiction between demands for moralization and demands for economic re-arrangement and efficiency, must be dealt with and contained on the road toward self-advancement in both academic research and strategic daily practices. Hopefully, the map planned here might be useful for the first step toward these tasks.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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