


A Research on the Transition Service for Disable Students in Junior High Schools-From the Perspective of Social Systems




邱瑜瑾(Yu-Chin Chiou);許素彬(Su-Pin Hsu)


身心障礙者 ; 轉銜服務 ; 社會體系 ; 社會政策 ; 特殊教育 ; disability ; transition service ; perspective of social systems ; social policy ; special education




7卷1期(2003 / 06 / 01)


99 - 161




身心障礙者教育與相關服務立基於「個別化教育方案」(IEP)。台灣於1997年新修正的「特殊教育法」明令規定中學以上學校所實施的IEP課程中還必須包含「個別轉銜方案」(ITP)。此政策之重要意涵乃是透過有效的執行IEP與ITP方案,能促進身心障礙由青少年步入成人生活後,成為具有生產性的社會成員。因此本研究的目的是探討國中階段對於身心障礙學生所實施IEP/ITP方案的現況;學校實施轉銜方案的結構限制;最後以體系變遷觀點提出未來轉銜服務的相關建議。本研究的方法包含社會調查法與深度訪談,資料收集來自學校行政人員、教師與家長。研究發現: 1.大多數學校有執行「個別化教育課程」(IEP),但是有高比例學校未涵蓋「轉銜方案」(ITP)。在執行制度面上,以「輔導室」特教組為主,少見跨處室合作或聘請外來機構組成轉銜專業小組的轉銜模式。在學校與機構合作中,缺乏多元組織連結,社會支持力薄弱。 2.家長參與度低,但是對於學校的教育課程能促進其子女獨立生活的能力具有高度的肯定;然而對於學校所提供的職業教育課程滿意度較低。 3.學校教師界定執行IEP/ITP的困難因素包含專業訓練不足、缺乏資源與社會支持,以及社區因素。 4.影響轉銜服務方案整合的因素,有社會政策的困境、制度面的問題、區域資源分佈差異與家庭參與等問題。 本研究從社會體系觀點對於整合轉銜服務所提出的建議包含:制度改革、社區融合政策的推行、監督與評估轉銜方案、制度性資源網絡的建立,以及家庭的自我決策與自我權益維護之賦權。


The related services provided for special students are based on Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). The Special Education Act that was amended in l997mandates junior high schools to provide individualized transition service under IEP for their special students. Efficient implementation of IEP and ITP implicitly promotes the capabilities needed for students with disabilities to carry out their adult roles and to be productive members of their community. The purpose of this paper is to explore the situation and barriers of transition service for junior high special students and to provide suggests for future services. Methodology includes social survey and interview. Data were collected from school administrators, teachers, and parents. Results are as follows: 1. Although most of schools have implemented IEP, a lot of schools have not included ITP. The lack of resources network, social support, and multi-agency collaboration was found. 2. Families were not much involved in transition process, but most of parents affirmed that school education could promote their children's independent living skills. However, parents were not satisfied with vocational education provided by schools. 3. Inadequate professional training, insufficient resource and social support related to transition, and community level factors were cited by school staff as barriers to implementing transition services. 4. Social policy, unequal resource distribution in regions, and family involvement could influence transition service in junior high schools. The strategies to improve integration of transition service system were suggested. Those strategies include the change of transition service systems, promoting social inclusion policy, monitoring/evaluating transition practices, building interagency collaboration network, and improving family empowerment and self-advocacy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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