


Performance, Quality, and Consumer Safeguards: Accountability Issues Surrounding Social Services Contracting




劉淑瓊(Joanne Shu-Chiung Liu)


責信 ; 契約委託 ; 行政法 ; 當事人-代理人理論 ; 非營利網絡 ; accountability ; contracting-out ; administrative law ; principalagent theory ; nonprofit network




9卷2期(2005 / 09 / 01)


31 - 93






The concept of ”accountability” as related to outsourcing of social services has attracted new attention in public administration. Contracting out social services by funding agencies gives rise to a more sophisticated administrative process and a less stringent mechanism in ensuring accountability. This paper analyzes, in the social services outsourcing process, the dynamics and mechanisms of accountability, that do and should exist in assuring performance, quality, and consumer safeguards. The first section explores theoretically four core dimensions of accountability, namely, hierarchical, legal, political, and professional. Secondly, this paper presents empirical data pertaining to the practice and problems as observed in Taiwan. The third section discusses how practice of accountability under the principles of managerialism impacts on the rights and interest of the service recipients. Also discussed are factors preventing enforcement of administrative laws. Several findings are presented: little competition exists in social service delivery industry; what accountability means to professional personnel is generally lacking; government's investment in developing meaningful and effective mechanism to oversee and evaluate accountability is insufficient; decision makers and contract managers need to recognize and respond to the pitfalls and potential accountability crisis existed in the current outsourcing practice. Because legal and professional accountability are quite weak in Taiwan, service delivery contractors focus on political accountability to prove its worthiness and to obtain better treatment. The reality of legal accountability overridden by political accountability severely hampers government agencies' ability to be effective purchasers of quality services. The recognition of current situation in Taiwan has heightened the interest in research and analysis of different dimensions of accountability, which do not exist independently, but interrelate with ech other. The author concludes this paper by presenting recommendations in policy development and implementations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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