


Applying New Institutionalism and Policy Networks in Studying Intergovernmental Relations: A Case of Local Governments' Sharing the Subsidy for Premium of NHI Program




劉宜君(I-Chun Liu);陳敦源(Don-Yun Chen)


新制度主義 ; 政策網絡 ; 府際關係 ; 全民健保政策 ; 健保費 ; new istitutionalism ; policy network ; intergovernmental relations ; National Health Insurance program ; premium of NHI program




11卷1期(2007 / 06 / 01)


1 - 51






This paper can be seen as an exploratory research which the authors attempt to integrate theories of new institutionalism and policy network in studying intergovernmental relations. The authors attempt to develop an intergovernmental network-based interaction model by means of literature review and in-depth interview. Then, the authors apply such a nested game model in the analyzing the critical case of dispute between local governments and central government in sharing the subsidy for premium of Taiwan National Health Insurance program. The basic reason is that this policy is implemented in complex organizational network and financial burdens. Interaction and self-interest are the central concept in the dependent model and connects with the possession of resources or with the asymmetry of the dependent relations among policy actors. The research result shows that the new institutionalism network-based analysis can explain contraction and conflict between central and local governments about sharing the subsidy for premium. Also, the authors find either cooperative intergovernmental network or coordinative one that composed of central and local governments are find game theory can reinforce metaphor of policy network research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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