


An Exploratory Study of Sense of Community and Its Affecting Factors




黃源協(Yuan-Shie Hwang);蕭文高(Wen-Kao Hsiao);劉素珍(Su-Jen Liu)


社區意識 ; 社區參與 ; 敦親睦鄰 ; sense of community ; community participation ; neighboring




11卷2期(2007 / 12 / 01)


1 - 33






Taiwan government has devoted to community empowering policy since the 1990s, and many policy documents and researches increasingly use the concept of sense of community (SOC). However, the explicit theoretical and operational definitions of SOC ate rare, and it's also hard to use in policy analysis and practice. For this reason, this study aims to investigate SOC and its affecting factors. After reviewing literature of community and SOC, 431 residents living in pan-Puli area were selected by stratified purposive sampling. With examining the factor structure of SOC and neighboring scales, this study also analyzed relations between residents' demographic characteristics, community participation, neighboring and SOC. Further, multiple regression analysis was used to understand the predictors of SOC. Results demonstrated that, residents' demographic characteristics affected their community participation, neighboring and SOC. At the same time, neighboring is the most important predictor variable or residents' SOC. Finally, the implications for theory, research and policy of SOC were discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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