


Using Geographic Information System to Enhance Community-based Service Practices




劉麗雯(Li-Wen Liu)


社區 ; 社會服務方案規劃 ; 地理資訊系統 ; 空間分析 ; GIS spatial analysis ; community-based social services ; environment




13卷1期(2009 / 06 / 01)


53 - 92




社區服務方案的規劃,除了針對服務方案強調的特定標的人口群之問題與需求做瞭解,也需注重社區人文、社會、與經濟等各層面的社區影響評估,並對社區周遭環境脈絡有所掌握。然而,目前的多數社區服務方案規劃評估或著重在社會人文經濟層面的瞭解,或過於強調社區物理空間環境的硬體規劃,比較忽略社區居民的社會人文關係特質與物理環境空間兩者之間的相互影響、可能對服務對象以及服務方案執行成果產生的正負面作用。另外,在國內的社區服務方案的規劃與執行方法應用上,也較少結合現今快速發展的資訊科技方法,以因應快速社會變遷下的社區方案服務需求。因此,本文目的擬介紹一套資訊科技應用輔助工具:地理資訊系統(Geographical Information Systems,簡稱GIS),並藉由三個應用實例示範,分析討論GIS在社區服務方案規劃與執行上的應用實務與潛在利益。本文除了討論GIS如何兼顧服務對象所在的物理環境空間對其人文條件與社會開係運作所產生的影響,也將討論社區相關組織運用GIS的可能困境與解決建議。


Previous studies have suggested that interactions between the environmental attributes at the neighborhood level and the socioeconomic variables of residents have influences on community resource accessibility and community-based service practices. However, there have been very few empirical studies that have focused on these issues. This paper presents a new approach to the planning and implementation of community service programs using Geographic Information System (GIS) that allows community practitioners to accurately map and effectively analyze physical and social attributes. This paper describes the utility of some basic. GIS techniques, such as visualization, proximity, and spatial analytical techniques, using three community-based social services as examples, including: (1) mental health services post-earthquake; (2) in home services for the elderly; and (3) early intervention services for children. A final section presents challenges and opportunities in the application of GIS in community-based human services.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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